Sunday, 21 August 2016

The African kinda Deliverance

At 12:45am, the charismatic leader was right in front of me, speaking in some strange language and getting ready to lay his hands on me, just as he had done to the people before me.

As a teenager in my early teenage years, I used to love deliverance services and all that came with it. The music was that of warfare and the prayer warriors were ready for battle. The priests came ready in their casoc, holding a cross in one hand and holy water in the other. 

"Bia bia bia muo nso bia"

The war song they always sang. 

Ok, back to the charismatic leader, he laid his hands on my head and I lost balance. Not the kind that would make you suspect me o, it was just a loss of balance. 

What the heck!!!
Those warriors didn't care, I sha lost balance and that meant I something had to be cast out of me.

I was directed to another room where those who had "fallen under the anointing" waited for priests and charismatic members to deliver them. Some had already started getting their deliverance and it was a good show to watch. 
One lady was confessing to being a queen of a kingdom somewhere. 

Wow!!! I saw a queen that night.

Ehen, so one charismatic brother came to meet me where I stood quietly and held my hands. He anointed my hands with oil and began his prayer session. 

Come out!

I say leave this body!

Hian, what is coming out kwa!

I just stood there looking at him, if I wrapped my hands, he would separate them like I was locking whatever was supposed to come out.

Surprisingly he started commanding the marine spirits in me to flee. He asked me to confess and be saved! Lmao... 

This is no home video o! This is my experience. 

Say what!???

Na so Bros begin push spirit up and down, he eventually gave me a quick light slap on my face. 

What was my offense? I guess coz I refused to fall or maybe it's the whole deliverance package.

After the slap, I gave him what he wanted, I fell.

I fell and remained on the floor for a few minutes. Then, he started sprinkling holy water on my and thanking God that I had been delivered.

Hallelujah! He won the battle!

What a joke.

I stood up after my short drama and he told me to wait behind after the vigil.

That was the day I stopped believing in the casting and binding of spirits. I won't honor your invitation to a deliverance service. Well, if I'm bored with nothing else to do, yes. 

Don't get me wrong, I receive my deliverance directly from God. That's how I roll...

Do you have tales you'll like to share too?

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