Sunday, 24 July 2016


Make sure you join the OBS" After the swearing in ceremony, Miss Ivy made an announcement about screening for the OBS, it was to take place at that Wednesday. Everyone I knew that went through NYSC insisted I joined the OBS, however, there were conflicting reasons why I should join. Some people wanted me to join just for favorable posting, others wanted me to join for the minor benefits like evading parades and getting extra food, while those who knew my heart wanted me to join coz they knew "professional talking" is my life! Don't believe me? Please come and check my phone's voice recorder... Lol. The queue for the screening was not as long as what people had made me imagine, I waited... It got to my turn and that was the easiest interview ever. "Read this please, pronounce these words please, Corps, corpse, cop. What do you do best?" That was it??? Piece of cake Later that evening, I got a congratulatory text, I made it to the OBS Work started immediately, we were to wake up before everyone else and walk down to the OBS to set up the parade ground, speakers and other stuff and we were to go in last, coz we had to tidy up after events and when there were no events, play music and talk till 10. Joining the OBS meant I couldn't participate in the paegentry and even without the OBS I wouldn't. My platoon officer, platoon leader, members were all on my neck to do the miss NYSC thingy, when no be me fine pass, me with my figure 1. They harrased me at every opportunity, I started making up stories that I was pregnant and couldn't do strenuous activities and that also, joining the OBS had already eliminated my legibility to participate... Omo see beef! That's how they started talking in the platoon that I was proud and annoying, that I carried OBS on my head like a crown, that my over sabi was too much and more... Stuff that really hurt. Well, they don't know me, so! OBS was an awesome experience, even OBS people say I dey form, lol, i just did my job diligently and that to them meant I was over zealous. The thing is, when I have duties, I do them completely with all of my heart, ask my mom. So people often think I'm over doing it or doing eye service, that's the Nigeria we live in. We had people in the OBS who only came when they felt like, but not me, I was always there. Those that only came to famz the staff, those that came to show face, those that came to eat meat, those that came only when they had shows and those who were only coming to set P with staff and corps members. If I joined the OBS for posting, maybe I would have been stunned on the last day, but thank God, God got my back. Ehen, I did not know I could anchor events, corporate MC career I see o... Miss Ivy always gave me the opportunity to start most of the social events, the NYSC anthem, national prayer and calling of performances. It became easy. PLEASE O, BOOK ME FOR YOUR CORPORATE EVENTS O, I AM GOOD AND WILL DELIVER! I thank God I experienced the OBS. The only thing I regret is actually giving up every other thing for the OBS. At least I sha did the parade thing a little, I did my man-o-war drills, I was there at all events. I've got tales. Shout out to the dedicated and professional guys at the OBS, who gave up their fun time and sacrificed a lot to be at the OBS... DJ Shegzy Tola Bernice Bola NIJ Zee Bae Atom F babyy Muyiwa Oluwasegun Temitope Itoroh Victoria Mc Ray MercyThe

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